It can be challenging to get affordable car insurance for young drivers. This is because young drivers are more likely to get into accidents compared to experienced drivers. However, there are some practical things you can do to minimize the cost of car insurance for your young driver. Here are 9 tips to help you
It can be challenging to get affordable car insurance for young drivers. This is because young drivers are more likely to get into accidents compared to experienced drivers. However, there are some practical things you can do to minimize the cost of car insurance for your young driver. Here are 9 tips to help you get cheaper car insurance for young drivers.
#1: Compare Insurance Rates from Different Companies
The first thing you should do when looking for affordable car insurance for young drivers is to compare rates from different insurance companies. Some companies offer better deals for young drivers than others. Find a company that offers lower rates and switch to them.
#2: Get More Driving Experience
Insurance companies offer lower rates to young drivers who have more driving experience. Although it may seem difficult to get more experience when young drivers already pay high rates, you can still enroll your driver in driving school programs like Pass Plus to get discounted rates on insurance. These classes offer extra driving instruction and experience and can lead to discounts from insurance companies.
#3: Add an Adult
Car insurance rates are typically lower when there is an older adult on the insurance plan. Adding an older family member to the plan like a parent or older sibling can help you get cheaper insurance rates for your young driver.
#4: Choose a Base Model Car
The more expensive the car, the higher the insurance cost. Although young drivers are often tempted to drive flashy cars, it is more affordable to choose the base model. Insuring a base model car for your young driver is a sure way to save on car insurance costs.
#5: Install a Tracking Device
Not all young drivers are the same. Some are smart and responsible drivers, and insurance companies need to recognize this. One way to show insurance companies that your young driver is responsible is to install a tracking device in their car. This device offers insurers a clear picture of the driver’s habits and often results in discounted rates for good driving.
#6: Choose a Lower Level of Coverage
Comprehensive coverage is expensive compared to liability coverage. While experienced drivers can choose comprehensive coverage, it is cost-prohibitive for young drivers. Choose a coverage plan that only covers liability to enjoy cheaper insurance rates.
#7: Increase the Deductible
Higher deductible plans are less expensive than lower deductible plans. Consider increasing the deductible on your young driver’s car insurance plan to save money.
#8: Find an Insurance Plan Designed for Young Drivers
Some companies specialize in offering insurance plans designed for young drivers. These plans may come with restrictions, so ensure you read the fine print before enrolling your young driver.
#9: Drive Fewer Miles
Young drivers are more likely to get into accidents due to their inexperience, especially when they drive long distances. Consider looking for insurance companies that offer lower rates to young drivers who agree to drive fewer miles.
By following these 9 tips, you can find cheaper car insurance for young drivers. You can choose to implement all of them or just one or two to get the most affordable rates.
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